Born out of molecular aesthetics, Haedra is a system of foldable stools that can be assembled in a plethora of ways forming a modular bench. By folding an especially marked wooden surface, a flat surface is transformed into a three-dimensional stool. Its’ design gives birth to three distinct stool types which shape a bench by adding more stools to the wished direction. The resulting bench forms an organism with a polyhedral head, body and tail that twists and turns, accommodating the needs of different users and spaces.
The prototype was manufactured by De Bartolo Arredamenti, and shown on the occasion of the “Habitapulia2020: La Puglia disegna la casa del futuro” exhibition at the Milan Salone del Mobile 2015, organised by Regione Puglia.
Designers: Gabriella Mastrangelo & Artemis Papageorgiou
Copyright 2015
March 2015